The Theological Commission on Christ and the Church. Sammanträde i biskopshuset i Lund den 23 juli - 1 aug. 1958.
The Theological Commission on Christ and the Church. Sammanträde i biskopshuset i Lund den 23 juli - 1 aug. 1958. 1. Biskop Anders Nygren, Lund, ordf. 2. Professor Edmund Schlink, Heidelberg 3. Dr. William Nicholls, Edinburgh 4. Professor Philip S. Watson, Cambridge, v.ordf. 5. Professor G.R. Baesley -Murray, (London, Zurich) sekr. 6. Dr. Keith Bridston, Genève 7. Professor Gustav Wingren, Lund 8. Miss Elisabeth Swayne, Genève, bitr. sekr. 9. Professor Paul Minear, New Haven, U.S.A. 10. Professor Georges Florovsky, Harvard, Cambridge, U.S.A. 11. Professor Crys. Konstantinidis, Istambul, Turkiet 12. Dean Robert Nelson, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, U.S.A.
Tavlan i bakgrunden är Egron Lundgrens "Corpus domini-festen i Rom" (1847)
Lund den 21 maj 1959 Anders Nygren